Realistic Resolutions (Podcast #24)

Realistic Resolutions

Happy New Year from the Delish and Healthy-ish team!

Jen here. Corinne and I kick off Season 2 of the podcast with episode 24 discussing realistic ways to set New Year’s Resolutions. Here they are summarized:

  1. Celebrate what you’ve done well last year and keep those habits going strong. For Corinne, she’s celebrating her triumph over sweets and I am celebrating making my kids’ lunches at night (consistently since September) rather than making them in the middle of the morning chaos. What have you conquered in 2018 that you can keep up in the new year?
  2. Pick out just a few things you want to work on each month or each quarter, and be REAL. Take your yearly to-do list and prioritize the items. If those things don’t make you happier or healthier, kick them off your list! Aim for a TOTAL of 4-6 things this year. I have been putting off scheduling a dermatology appointment and a neglected check-in with my GYN, and I’m going to get those done by March. Can I do it? See number 4 below…
  3. Be consistent and show perseverance about your new challenges and habits. Maybe you want to take control of your finances, get your meal planning groove on,  try healthier eating (um, have you SEEN our incredible 5-Day Detox full of Reilly and Bowen Family Favorites?!?!), or start jogging every day. Really DO those things, and if you can’t go all the way, go part way. Don’t lose interest easily, don’t give up, and you’ll make those things habits for years to come. I’m working on exercising 30 minutes daily no matter what this month. I’m taking 1 month at a time, but so far so good! Corinne is doing daily yoga despite her busy house, and is motivated by how amazing she feels.
  4. Find someone who can help you stay motivated. The buddy system will help you stay motivated and on track. Just this morning, Corinne challenged me to make my dermatology appointment if she made her’s…. and it worked! Boom. Bring on the freckle exam!

New Year’s Resolutions can be an amazing way to make your life better.  Use them as an excuse to try new things and finally cross some chores and headaches off your to-do list. You got this! 


Jen (& Corinne)

Immune Boosters for Adults (Podcast #21) & our 5-Day Delish Detox!

5-Day Detox

Hi friends! Jen here, and Corinne is close by. Thanksgiving and sneezing season is upon us, so check out podcast episode #21 where we talk about ways adults can boost their immune systems and ward off the sickies while everyone else is sneezing and hacking their celebrations away. This tags onto episode #20 where we talked about immune boosting tips for kids. 

In addition to the tips for kids like getting plenty of rest, staying hydrated, getting outdoors (away from germs!), including vitamins, washing hands, getting flu shots, and loading up on veggies and fruits while skipping fatty and sugary garbage, adults also need to:

  1. Pull back on the alcohol. Alcohol not only messes with your restorative sleep, but it makes you cranky and zaps your immune system. If you find yourself partaking in too much fun at the nightly happy hours and holiday parties, scale back to help your body’s defense systems stay in tip top shape.
  2. Exercise 30 minutes a day and preferably outside. You can do it! Believe me, it takes you less time for that 2-mile walk when it’s freezing and icky outside. Bundle up, grab a to-go mug of herbal tea and hit the road. This will help your anti-sneeze powers AND your tush.
  3. Check out supplemental remedies including herbals like echinacea, oregano and medicinal mushrooms, and pump the vitamin C and zinc when everyone else around you is sick.

And, at long last, our 5-Day Delish Detox that we’ve been talking about on the podcast is finally ready for you! It’s 5 days of meals and a corresponding grocery list, and definitely a spiffed up, simplified and more doable version of our 7-Day Detox. It’s 100% plant-based and gluten-free and there isn’t a better way you could take care of your body during the holiday season. Take 5 days and go for it!

We’ve designed the detox to serve one person with some soup and chili leftovers you can freeze for another day. So, adjust serving amounts in each recipe based on how many housemates are going to partake in the fun. And lucky for you, we’re going to open a special facebook group for people doing the detox from 11/23-11/30.

But wait, that’s not it! If you buy the detox by Black Friday (11/23), it’ll only cost you $12! A $5 savings! Who doesn’t need an extra $5 during the holidays?

Post your questions below and we can’t WAIT to detox with you!

Jen & Corinne

Harvard Revises USDA’s “MyPlate”

Yay for Harvard! Noting that the USDA’s “MyPlate” is based on a mix of science and US agricultural interests (rather than just on science), the Harvard School of Public Health created a much easier to understand “Healthy Eating Plate“, which replaces dairy milk with water saying there’s little evidence that dairy protects bones, and even more evidence that dairy may be harmful to health, and also emphasizing healthier proteins and whole grains, and encouraging some healthy oils and exercise. Read more about both here.

Looks like the country is getting even closer to the plant-powered “Power Plate” created by PCRM! Go plants!

Consuming Hemp Protein Immediately after Workout Helps Build Muscle

Photo by: Bitchin' Dietitian

According to 2 new studies in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, consuming 25 grams of protein immediately following a workout greatly improves the body’s ability to build muscle. The studies noted that muscle-building is mainly due to the amino acid leucine, which is especially high in Hemp Seed Protein. Where to get the stuff? Not the local frat house, just head to Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods. I happen to LOVE the Trader Joe’s Vanilla Hemp Protein Powder. Not only does it have 18 g protein per 1/2 cup scoop, but it’s also high in fiber and the essential heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Can’t get those extra beauties in whey or even soy protein powders!


Muscle Meals


‘Tis the season for sedentarity. Exercise is harder to come by during the holiday season, and it takes a real firestorm of motivation to get your heart rate up. The good news is, if you’re in a colder climate, outdoor exercise may help you to burn 50 or more calories per hour because you’re working hard to stay warm. This doesn’t mean you should skimp on clothing during that cross-country ski trip, it just means you should GO on a cross-country ski trip! And, chances are, you’ll do your workout in less time as you dream of the hot tea and warm applesauce waiting for you (OK fine, hot chocolate and brownies… just keep ‘m healthy!). And you can always resort to indoor exercise… stair runs, jumping jacks during commercial breaks, or using heavy exercise machinery to mimic outdoor moves.

So now that you’re bundling up or inching away from the Menorah cookies to run a few laps, it seems like a good time to talk about what kind of fuel we need for optimal exercise execution. To help me out, I’ve consulted Sasha Britton, a work-out warrior and performance pro, to give us the nutrient ditty. Give it to us, Sasha!

When we exercise, muscle tissue is constantly breaking down (you know this is happening when you feel the “burn.” that’s the buildup of lactic acid causing muscles to break down.) Protein is necessary for the recovery and rebuilding process. The best protein sources for our bones and kidneys are those from plants… beans, lentils, split peas, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and vegetables (did you know broccoli has as much protein in 1 stalk as a slice of turkey? bring on the greens, fitness friends!). To calculate your exercising protein needs, multiply 0.5 grams for every pound of body weight. A 150-pound ice skater needs about 75 grams of protein per day. That stalk of broccoli has 7 grams of protein. Put it atop a cup of brown rice with a half-cup of lentils and you’ve already eaten 20 grams of protein for the day! Pre- and post-workout drinks that include some protein may also help in muscle repair. Try smoothies made with almond milk and add soy or rice protein powder. Cheers!

Iron is also key for building muscle and maintaining endurance. Great sources include whole grain cereals fortified with iron, legumes (beans, peas and peanuts), dried fruit (especially raisins), and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and all the other stinky veggies). You’ll want to combine these with foods high in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits and berries; this will aid your body in absorbing and utilizing iron.

Next on the list: Calcium & Vitamin D. They’re crucial for a healthy heart, and properly functioning muscles, nerves, and bones. Ever considered working out without these body parts? Not a good idea! Super calcium sources include fortified non-dairy milks and juices as well as dark leafy greens (more stinky cruciferous leafies, please!), almonds, sesame seeds (and their pureed form–tahini–found in most hummus concoctions), and dried figs. Very few foods in nature contain vitamin D, since we are meant to get it from the sun. However, it’s impossible to get adequate vitamin D from the sun from November to February if you live above 42 degrees north latitude (northern CA to Boston), or if you wear SPF 8 or greater. Therefore, fortified foods and supplements are essential for meeting vitamin D needs. During sunny months, 5 to 30 minutes of sun exposure between 10 AM and 3 PM at least twice a week to the face, arms, legs, or back without sunscreen is all you need to meet your needs.

Zinc is another big whig when it comes up feeding your fitness fuel. Zinc is high in protein-rich foods (see above), but it’s especially high in pumpkin seeds. Yet another reason to celebrate the gourd!

Last but not least, Vitamin B-12 is essential for metabolism and making use of the energy stored in food. Vitamin B-12 is only found in reliable amounts in animal products. We used to get plenty of B-12 when we ate our poorly washed, home-grown produce. However, now that we wash, re-wash, and sanitize our foods so heavily, there’s not a whole lot of B-12 left. So, rather than chowing down on dirt, try fortified non-dairy milks, cereals, and vitamin supplements — they’re fantastic sources.

Thank you, Sasha! Now shut down your computers and get out there! Exercise awaits. How do YOU move this time of year?