Day 6

Detox Day 6

7-Day Detox overview and guidelines here. Shopping List here.

Detox Day 6: Time to Start Thinking About Day 8

Mango Lassi

Upon Waking (7:00 AM)
Large glass of filtered water with cucumber slices (in the water) and a dash of cayenne
Breakfast (8:00 AM)
Mango Lassi (SKINNY DISH, page 43):
This smoothie makes about 3 (1-cup) servings–enjoy a serving & a half or 2 cups if you want!
Morning Snack (10:00 AM)
Herbal tea, 1 cup blackberries
1 Hour Later (11:00 AM)
Large glass of filtered water with cucumber slices (in the water)
Lunch (12:00 PM)
Sesame Greens (SKINNY DISH, page 132)
1/2 cup black beans
1/2 cup corn
Filtered water
Mid-Afternoon Snack (2:00 PM)
Large glass of filtered water with lemon wedge
Organic celery slices and Fiery Cashew Dip (SKINNY DISH, page 77)
Pre-Dinner Snack (4:00 PM)
Herbal tea; 15 raw almonds
Dinner (6:00 PM)
Garden Grower’s Special (SKINNY DISH, page 118)
Guacamame (SKINNY DISH, page 83) with organic corn chips
Filtered water
Before Bed (8:00 PM)
Chamomile or other herbal tea

Can you believe you’ve finished 6 days!? Are you sad or RELIEVED that tomorrow is the last day? 🙂

27 thoughts on “Day 6

  1. Mary says:

    I am so excited to have completed Day 6! Now for Day 7! I’m ready for this, as for Day 8… I plan to keep it up! I FEEL FABULOUS!

    • Jen Reilly says:

      Awesome news, Mary! Isn’t it amazing how powerful food is?! Make sure you’re getting your supplemental Vitamin B12 & Vitamin D, but other than that, the Detox plan can be your constant and long-term deal! Congrats! 🙂 XOXO Jen

  2. Holly says:

    Ack! My boyfriend and I are on Day 6 (loving the Detox by the way) but all of the recipes you’ve linked to suddenly went away. I get an “error, file not found” message from Trader Joe’s whenever I click them (they worked this morning). I have a copy of Skinny Dish coming in the mail, but I was going to use recipes for dinner tonight.

    Any idea what happened?

      • Holly says:

        It seems to have sorted itself out. My copy of Skinny Dish also came (love it!). We finished the Detox and loved it so much we’re going to follow the general guidelines 5-days-a-week in perpetuity! Thank you so much.

  3. Amanda W. says:

    Hi! I noticed on your link there is no nutrition info for the Mango Lassi. I’m wondering if there is a way to get that? I am a member of Weight Watchers and I have to track my points! Thanks!!

    • Jen Reilly says:

      Not sure why it’s not there! Per 1-cup (8 oz) Mango Lassi: 113 calories, 1.5 g total fat, 0 g saturated fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 100 mg sodium, 21.5 g carbohydrates, 2 g fiber, 15.5 g sugar, 1.5 g protein, 23.5% vitamin A, 28.5% vitamin C, 13.5% calcium, 5.5% iron – 🙂 Jen

  4. Alison says:

    hi jen!
    i was wondering your thoughts on corn? i see it is in a lot of the meals but i have never heard that corn is healthy or detoxing. it is almost impossible to know even if the organic stuff is truly organic. this is my second time doing the detox and i do love it! i just omit any corn products. still am curious why you have chosen to incorporate corn! thanks! -alison

    • Jen Reilly says:

      Hey Alison, Great question! Organic corn is pretty benign, and it doesn’t have the inflammatory effects of gluten. You’re right, it’s not perfect by any means, but it helps people get through my detox. If you can do it w/o corn, more power to you!! XOXO -Jen

  5. Anu says:

    Hi Jen!

    Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful plan. Just a quick question on Day 6. I thought going dairy-free wa sthe way to go for this detox diet. Is yogurt okay for the mango lassi?


      • Anu says:

        Lol! Really? Let me know how to make it without yogurt. The recipe to the link says the following ingredients. Clearly I’m missing something 🙂

        1 cup frozen Trader Joe’s Mango Chunks
        1 cup plain or vanilla yogurt (low-fat or fat-free is ok)
        1/4 cup orange juice
        1 tsp Organic Agave Nectar
        1 Tbsp Organic Flaxseed Oil (optional but recommended)

  6. Kristen says:

    Is there anything I can substitute for the tomatoes in the Garden growers special? I’m not a fan of tomatoes!

  7. Jen says:

    I love this detox and return to it frequently for inspiration and rebalancing. Thank you for sharing it. I notice the link for the greens is no longer active. Is it available elsewhere?

  8. Maja says:

    Dear Jen, I am now on day 6 and I just wanted to write a few lines and thank you for this wonderful website. I am so happy I found it cause it has really helped me through this detox! The first two days were terrible, I had head ache and was totally out of energy, but already on day 3 things started to change and now I feel like a brand new person. The recepies are amazing and I will definitely continue eating according to this (but add some coffee and some more carbs once in a while :)) But THANKS for doing this, I will recommend it to everyone who wants to do a detox!

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