Day 2

Detox Day 2

7-Day Detox overview and guidelines here. Shopping List here

Detox Day 2: Groovin’ Along, My Day 1, and Juice Pulp Crackers (January 2013)

Detox Day 2: Why Detox, and Why is Raw So Great Anyway? (January 2012)

Carrot Orange Cucumber Shake

Upon Waking (7:00 AM)
Large glass of filtered water with cucumber slices (in the water) and a dash of cayenne
Breakfast (8:00 AM)
Carrot Orange Cucumber Shake (SKINNY DISH, page 48):
This shake makes about 4 (1-cup) servings–enjoy 2 cups if you want!
Morning Snack (10:00 AM)
Herbal tea, 1 cup blueberries or other berries
1 Hour Later (11:00 AM)
Large glass of filtered water with cucumber slices (in the water)
Lunch (12:00 PM)
8-10 pieces of veggie sushi rolls wrapped in nori with rice (cucumber, carrot, avocado, etc.)
Can be purchased already prepared at Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods Market, or a Japanese restaurant.
Alternate lunch: Large green salad with 1/2-1 cup beans or lentils, and 1 cup brown rice or quinoa
Mid-Afternoon Snack (2:00 PM)
Large glass of filtered water with lemon wedge
Sliced veggies dipped in TJ’s Goddess Dressing (or other non-dairy, tahini-based dressing like the one on p 238 of SKINNY DISH)
Pre-Dinner Snack (4:00 PM)
Herbal tea; 1/4 cup raw cashews
Dinner (6:00 PM)
Carrot Ginger Soup (SKINNY DISH, page 94)
Omit Earth Balance Natural Buttery Spread from recipe. 
Rice crackers
1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds
Filtered water
Before Bed (8:00 PM)
Chamomile or other herbal tea

Woohoo to Day 2! Easier than Day 1? Feeling cleaner already? Keep it up, champs!!

22 thoughts on “Day 2

    • Jen Reilly says:

      Hey Susan, Instead of the Carrot Ginger Soup, you could try a homemade veggie-heavy vegetable soup or the Curried Sweet Potato Soup on Day 7. It’s good enough to eat twice in 1 week 🙂 -Jen

  1. Kerry says:

    I made this soup and loved it! I was so excited how it turned out and to share it with my family. They did not like it. They were nice about it and I made them something else. I think it was the ginger. Too funny!

    • Jen Reilly says:

      That’s so funny, Kerry! I LOOOVE that soup too, but you definitely have to like ginger. Your taste buds are likely changing and things are tasting different/better this week too. On Day 1, I always enjoy that morning fruit like it’s the best thing I’ve eaten my whole life. 🙂 XOXO Jen

  2. Rana 52 says:

    I also loved the soup! I don’t have the Almond milk for Day 3’s Shamrock Smoothie. Can I use something else for this one or should I use Day 2’s shake again?

    • Jen Reilly says:

      Do you have another non-dairy milk on hand? Soymilk, or even water would work for the Shamrock Smoothie since the banana is what really makes it creamy. Yesterday’s shake is fine too, I just want you to try the Shamrock b/c it’s so good! 🙂

  3. Cindy says:

    Is there a TJ premade soup that is a sub for these? Time is an issue and I am looking at your program to start. I’m also in a small town so I want to make a run to St Louis to a TJ to get what I need for the week.

    • Jen Reilly says:

      Cindy, Your question got buried! So sorry. I’m sure you’ve figured things out by now, but to answer your question, Yes! TJ’s has a bunch of prepared salads and soups that are detox-friendly. I love their “Super Spinach Salad” and their Lentil soup — both in the fridge section. Or, they also have canned lentil soup that you could just add more veggies to. Hope you’re feeling great and that all is well! – xoxo Jen

  4. Gracie says:

    Quick question, many times I eat none or very minimal carbs a day, coming from oats/ quinoa or rarely brown rice. Do you recommend having the suggested amount of carbs each day? Do these help with the detox/weight loss?

  5. nbahgat says:

    Hi Jen! Thanks for putting this together 🙂 I want to check if this plan is still good for males? I’m planning to increase quantities for my husband may be! Also, can I switch days, so do day 6 for day 2 and so on? Thanks again 😉

    • Jen Reilly says:

      Yes, it’s great for guys too. They just eat larger quantities of food. And definitely switch the food around or eat the same thing every day if you want! Have fun 🙂 – Jen

  6. Convidada says:

    Good morning, is it possible to change the orange juice concentrate for just orange? (I can’t find the concentrate and I also prefer fruits)

    Thank you for your job, I’m starting tomorrow but I’m afraid of feeling bad because I practise everyday sport and I don’t want change it even if I’m detoxing my body. Do you think should I stop working out? (I just take classes like barre, pilates fusion…)

    • Jen Reilly says:

      Fine to use real fruit or leave out the concentrate altogether. You should be fine exercising on the detox plan. Just add extra nuts, fruit, and veggies if you feel like you need more calories. Good luck! xo

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