Kitchen Survival Staples (Podcast #25)

D & H_ Podcast Template.png
What are those grocery items you MUST have on hand at your house? Join us for episode 25 where we go into detail with our grocery short lists… the things we absolutely can’t manage without, and the things we must have to make the simplest of meals. From pasta and bottled pesto to carrots and hummus, join the kitchen and cooking survival journey with Delish and Healthyish!

And if you can’t listen right now, here’s a teaser:

  • Carrots
  • Onions
  • Celery
  • Garlic
  • Soymilk
  • Cereal
  • Pasta
  • Bottled pesto
  • Marinara
  • Hummus
  • Bread
  • Tortillas

What are your must-haves…. the things you’ll go to the store for at 10pm when you realize you’re out?!

xo, Jen & Corinne

Realistic Resolutions (Podcast #24)

Realistic Resolutions

Happy New Year from the Delish and Healthy-ish team!

Jen here. Corinne and I kick off Season 2 of the podcast with episode 24 discussing realistic ways to set New Year’s Resolutions. Here they are summarized:

  1. Celebrate what you’ve done well last year and keep those habits going strong. For Corinne, she’s celebrating her triumph over sweets and I am celebrating making my kids’ lunches at night (consistently since September) rather than making them in the middle of the morning chaos. What have you conquered in 2018 that you can keep up in the new year?
  2. Pick out just a few things you want to work on each month or each quarter, and be REAL. Take your yearly to-do list and prioritize the items. If those things don’t make you happier or healthier, kick them off your list! Aim for a TOTAL of 4-6 things this year. I have been putting off scheduling a dermatology appointment and a neglected check-in with my GYN, and I’m going to get those done by March. Can I do it? See number 4 below…
  3. Be consistent and show perseverance about your new challenges and habits. Maybe you want to take control of your finances, get your meal planning groove on,  try healthier eating (um, have you SEEN our incredible 5-Day Detox full of Reilly and Bowen Family Favorites?!?!), or start jogging every day. Really DO those things, and if you can’t go all the way, go part way. Don’t lose interest easily, don’t give up, and you’ll make those things habits for years to come. I’m working on exercising 30 minutes daily no matter what this month. I’m taking 1 month at a time, but so far so good! Corinne is doing daily yoga despite her busy house, and is motivated by how amazing she feels.
  4. Find someone who can help you stay motivated. The buddy system will help you stay motivated and on track. Just this morning, Corinne challenged me to make my dermatology appointment if she made her’s…. and it worked! Boom. Bring on the freckle exam!

New Year’s Resolutions can be an amazing way to make your life better.  Use them as an excuse to try new things and finally cross some chores and headaches off your to-do list. You got this! 


Jen (& Corinne)

Don’t Wait Until January. Do the 5-Day Delish Detox Today!

5-Day Detox

Hi everyone! We’ve got two holidays down, and a couple more to go… but a full 4 weeks of school before winter break starts (my kids just calculated it). So, why wait until January to take the squash by the stem when you can do our simple 5-Day Delish Detox now? It’s simple, fun and super tasty. And you’ll set yourself up for success for all those upcoming cocktail parties and gatherings.

The 5-Day Delish Detox is 100% plant-based, gluten-free and includes 5 full days of meals and snacks with a personalized shopping list. Day 1’s breakfast is the Popeye Smoothie. Take a peak and consider it today (we’re doing it too)! xo – Jen & Corinne

Getting Ready for the Holidays: Staying Healthy in the Chaos (Podcast #18!)

Getting Ready for the Holidays: Staying Healthy in the Chaos

Hey friends! How’s that holiday shopping going? Jen here. I’m determined to get all my shopping done by Halloween, but there are only 12 days left and I only have 1 stocking stuffer! Send help. 

Well, on another note, take a listen to podcast 18 where Corinne and I share our tips for keeping up with your healthy habits and avoiding sabotage this holiday season. We chat about how important it is to keep exercise in your day with yoga workouts (don’t forget your mat when you travel!) and walks, batch cooking healthy soups for quick veggie-ness when you’re buried in takeout leftovers and holiday cookies, staying hydrated and never slowing down your smoothie blender.

Take a listen and take our tips to heart. We can do this together!

Jen & Corinne


Join the No-Spend-September Challenge! Rules and Tips Here

No Spend September Challenge with Delish and Healthyish
Hi everyone! Jen here. Has summer spending been out of control for you too? Ready for a little challenge to put fire under your pants and money back in your wallets? Join Corinne and me as we challenge ourselves to only buy absolute essentials (including paying bills!) during the entire month of September.

Just the act of paying attention to what you’re spending money on will help you be thrifty in the coming months. Of course you’ll need to get creative with ways to have fun, but we know you can do it (and we can too!). Invite your friends to do the challenge with you and post on social media with #NoSpendSeptember2018. Here are the rules and some ideas to help you get started, and listen to this month’s podcasts (new one every Wednesday!) to get more tips and tricks:

  1. Only buy absolute essentials. Groceries, gas, medicines, toiletries, etc. Try to grocery shop only ONCE per week and stick to a certain budget. Personally, I’m going to stick to $200 per week on groceries for our family of 6. And since we’re not spending on lunches, dinner or drinks out, I’m going to have to send my husband with a packed lunch every day. This not only means one more lunch to pack (AAAAAAHHH!), but also more groceries to stock up on. I’m going to shop exclusively at Aldi and try extra hard to meal plan and stick to my list. If we run out of something toward the end of the week, I’ll bake it, make do, or we’ll go without.
  2. Give yourself $20 (or a set amount under $50) for “can’t avoids” for the whole month. Hang on tight to this extra cash… you may need it for a birthday present, a broken shoe, or a bottle of wine to bring to a dinner party. You can also EARN more September spending money by selling things on Craigslist or Ebay. For example, I just remembered that I have a high school reunion on September 15th, so I posted a few old baby items on Craigslist and I’ve already made $50 that I’ll be able to spend at the reunion venue for dinner and drinks. Goodbye, Ergo, Hello “free” money!
  3. No online shopping unless that’s how you do your essentials. Need some new shoes? Check the local thrift store or wait until October. You can use your “can’t avoid” cash, but think about if there’s any way you can go without or trade shoes with a friend. You can also post your shoe need on Freecycle if you have one in your area. I just got an awesome shelf for free on Freecyle. If you absolutely need to spend money on a non-essential, consider “robbing Peter to pay Paul.” Take some money out of your grocery budget and eat dried beans for the week. October’s looking pretty good now, isn’t it?!?
  4. Take advantage of all the free things to do in your area. Libraries, museums, hikes, biking trails, picnic dinners in scenic places and at-home movie nights with popcorn are not only so much fun, but doing them will help your family diversify their activities and many of them will stick with you for the long-term. Check blogs and free events pages of your local paper to get ideas. Instead of going out to dinner with your partner, find a new recipe to cook together.
  5. Keep track of your spending on essentials. This one is optional, but aren’t you curious about how much you spend as a bare minimum? What’s your baseline? If you do this, you’ll know how much EXTRA you’re typically spending per month. Imagine if you could do a no-spend month a couple times a year! All of a sudden, you wouldn’t feel drained by holidays and birthdays.

Keep us posted and don’t forget to hashtag your adventures with #NoSpendSeptember2018. This journey starts on September 1st (which happens to be a Saturday…), so get ready!

Good luck!!


Back to School: Weekend Meal Prep and Planning

Nothing slaps a parent or kid into shape like Back to School. It’s time to get back into routines, stop ordering out so much, stop sleeping in, start going to bed earlier, and start thinking about dinner before 8pm.

So, in episode 11 of the Healthyish podcast, Jen and Corinne share the importance of taking time on the weekends to plan and prep a few foods and meals to make the week MUCH easier—easier to survive without takeout food, with homework chaos, and with easy-peasy lunch packing. They also share school supplies shopping ideas and an idea for a budget-friendly anniversary dinner with kids. Join them as they swear by weekend prep to prevent overwhelm and insanity!

And for our fabulous 3-Day Weekend Prep e-guide, sign up for our mailing list on the right-hand column of the blog and we’ll send that your way. If we’ve wet your whistle, this “Lazy Lasagna” is a life-saver if you prepare one or two on the weekend. You can even construct one or two and stick them in the freezer to thaw and bake months down the road.

Share your favorite weekend food chores with us… what do YOU do with 10, 20, or 30 minutes on the weekend that makes your week of meals so much easier?!

Buried in casseroles,

Jen & Corinne

Feeding Picky Kids: Tips and a New Podcast

feeding picky kids healthy foods

Before having kids, I was an expert dietitian on feeding picky kids… or at least I thought I was! “Keep trying, offer them ONLY healthy things and they’ll have no choice but to eat the good stuff, they just WON’T go hungry, and all kids eventually love asparagus…” Did I really say all that? Thank gosh the universe gave me 4 kids to put me in my place. For real.

Check out this week’s Healthyish podcast episode on Feeding Picky Kids (Episode 4) where Corinne and I share our picky kid tips for making it through the meal without eyebrow-smeared peas and half the meal shoved under the chair cushions. Plus, Corinne talks about her love affair with her new monster mini muffin tin found here which may revolutionize baking in your household.

We share tips on leading by example, deconstructing meals for the whole fam, offering multiple veggies, and keeping healthy alternatives on hand for when you just have to give in. Here’s one more tip for feeding dinner to picky kids that we didn’t mention on the podcast, and it’s actually one of my favorites!:

No Food After 3:01 PM

Yes, they’re hungry and cranky, so feed them at 3PM, but no later. That 3PM snack can be crackers, cheese, hummus, a granola bar, whatever, but it must be done by 3:01. Do whatever you can to distract them, just drink liquids, or maybe chow on some apple slices or grapes between 3:01 and 6:00 so that they actually show up to the table in need of calories. Doesn’t everything taste better when you’re starving? I didn’t eat lunch until 2PM today and I couldn’t be bothered to heat it up, so I had cold veggie chili. I kid you not, the best meal I’ve eaten in my whole life. See?

Share your favorite picky kid tips in the comments below and let us know what you want to hear in future episodes!

In deconstructed cherry tomatoes,

Jen & Corinne

The Healthyish Podcast is Here!

owl podcast

Grab your earbuds, folks! My pal Corinne and I finally decided to hop on the microphone in order to share our crazy convos with the world. We’ve got 7 kids between us ages 1-12 and man have we seen the spectrum of glorious wins and disastrous fails while trying to feed our kids healthy food!

In our first 3 episodes, we chat about our nutty fams, our top 3 family meal planning tips, summer food, the ice cream truck, the Aldi shopping experience, car travel with kids, and keeping kids hydrated during sweaty summer months. Take a listen and let us know what you think!

We’re on iTunes and SoundCloud


Oh, and because we’re newbie podcasters and can’t figure out how the pros put info in their “show notes,” here are the links to the awesome water bottles and mini muffin tins we chat about in Episode 1:

Water bottle set for the whole family. Revolutionary!
Set of two 24 mini muffin tins. Pure genius.

And check us out on Instagram to see our day-to-day tips and hot-off-the-press laughs.

In spilled smoothies and making all-gones with our cucumbers,

Jen & Corinne




The Delish and Healthyish Podcast is Here!

owl podcast

Grab your earbuds, folks! My pal Corinne and I finally decided to hop on the microphone in order to share our crazy convos with the world. We’ve got 7 kids between us ages 1-12 and man have we seen the spectrum of glorious wins and disastrous fails while trying to feed our kids healthy food!

In our first 3 episodes, we chat about our nutty fams, our top 3 family meal planning tips, summer food, the ice cream truck, the Aldi shopping experience, car travel with kids, and keeping kids hydrated during sweaty summer months. Take a listen and let us know what you think!

We’re on iTunes and SoundCloud

Plus, here are episodes 2 and 3!

Oh, and because we’re newbie podcasters and can’t figure out how the pros put info in their “show notes,” here are the links to the awesome water bottles and mini muffin tins we chat about in Episode 1:

Water bottle set for the whole family. Revolutionary!
Set of two 24 mini muffin tins. Pure genius.

And check us out on Instagram to see our day-to-day tips and hot-off-the-press laughs.

In spilled smoothies and making all-gones with our cucumbers,

Jen & Corinne